Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Blog Flasher-Center.com

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Blog Flasher-Center.com

Service Ac Surabaya

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 03:16 PM PST

Service Ac Surabaya

Jasa service ac mobil panggilan

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 04:28 AM PST

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi melayani jasa service ac mobil panggilan.
-Mobil pick up 
-mobil box
-mobil APV
-mobil Xenia
-Mobil Kijang
-Mobil Panter

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi melayani jasa service cuci ac murah,service ac murah,isi freon murah,pasang ac murah Menerima jasa:
Service Ac | Cuci Ac | Pasang Ac | Bongkar Pasang Ac | Bongkar Ac | Pindah Lokasi Ac | Perbaikan Ac | Kulkas Pintu 1 2 3 4 | Mesin Cuci | Waterheater | Freezer | Showcase | Dispenser | Ciller | Dan Pendingin Lainnya.

Service Cuci Ac Perbaikan Ac Kurang Dingin Ganti Kompresor Baru & Bekas Perbaikan Ac Bocor Air Perbaikan Remmotte Ac Jual Beli Ac Bekas Ganti remmotte Baru Perawatan Ac Maintenance Ac Penambahan Freon Pengisian Freon Ganti termostat Timer Ganti Kapasitor Ganti Overloud Ganti on-of termis Perbaikan Pcb Ganti Pcb Multi Pengelasan Indor dan Outdoor Dan Pendingin lainnya.

Cabang yang sudah tersedia  :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
                                               K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
                                               K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat kami : Di Jl. Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang

Ditempuh dari  Arah Di Ponegoro,Arjuno,Kedungdoro Bila Masih belum jelas hubungi kontak person kami dibawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami

Info: Laporan Service Cuci Perawatan Barang Elektronik Anda Selalu Ter up-date Di Website Kami,Bila Anda Pingin lihat jadwal rutin Ac/Barang Elektronik Anda Cukup ketik Alamat Lengkap Rumah Anda..


Service Dispenser Surabaya

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 10:37 PM PST

Service dispenser surabaya
CV Anugerah teknik abadi melayani jasa service barang elektronik seperti:
ac split
ac inverter
ac cassette
ac central
ac floor standing
water heater
freezer box
mesin cuci
air cooler

Hubungi kami di:
Telp/fax : 0315461679
Flexi : 031-70810312; 031-77249919; 03-131288810 
Simpati : 081230032651; 081217350056  
XL : 087855078279  
Axis : 083830316070 
Im3 : 085731878500 


Kantor pusat:
Jl. Wonorejo 3 no 120 Surabaya ( Dekat pasar kembang  )

Service perbaikan ac murah

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 06:46 PM PST

CV Anugerah teknik abadi melayani jasa service cuci ac standart murah | cuci ac inverter murah | penambahan freon ac standart murah | penambahan freon ac inverter murah | pengisian full freon ac standart murah | pengisian full freon ac inverter murah | bongkar ac standart murah | bongkar ac inverter murah | pindah ac standart murah | pindah ac inverter murah | perbaikan ac standart murah | perbaikan ac inverter murah | service mesin cuci murah | service kulkas murah | service chiller murah | service cooler murah | service showcase murah | service water heater murah | service cold storage murah | dll
Service perbaikan ac murah
Service perbaikan ac murah

Kami adalah jasa service profesional yang pernah menangani berbagai instansi seperti:
lembaga pemerintahan
perorangan/rumah tangga

Untuk harga service ac kami menawarkan harga murah dengan daftar harga sebagai berikut:
cuci ac standart : Rp. 30.000
cuci ac inverter : Rp. 40.000
penambahan freon ac standart : Rp. 80.000
penambahan freon ac inverter : Rp. 125.000
pengisian penuh freon ac standart : Rp. 125.000
pengisian penuh freon ac inverter : Rp. 225.000
bongkar/pasang ac standart/inverter : Rp. 125.000
pindah ac standart/inverter : Rp. 200.000

Hubungi kami di:
Telp/fax : 0315461679
Flexi : 031-70810312; 031-77249919; 03-131288810 

Simpati : 081230032651; 081217350056 
XL : 087855078279 
Axis : 083830316070 
Im3 : 085731878500 



Kantor pusat:
Jl. Wonorejo 3 no 120 Surabaya ( Dekat pasar kembang  )

Volcanobox V1.9.2 Mstar Flash for Unlock & Coolsand Detection Solved

Posted: 02 Feb 2013 10:19 AM PST


Posted: 02 Feb 2013 01:39 AM PST


Screen Muncher Pro 4.3.5

Posted: 01 Feb 2013 08:35 PM PST

On sale for a limited time! Share Your App Life! NEW! Screen Muncher now lets you share memorable in-app moments with all your Facebook friends! Share IM conversations, pics, favorite Facebook moments, Tweets, maps, recipes, what you're listening to, high scores...ANYTHING! The full version lets you remove watermark, change colors, turn off sound & more! This funny, cute and useful app includes the classic "MUNCH" sound effect, animation and vibrate every time you Munch a screen! Use Screen Muncher to: * Munch BlackBerry® Messenger BBM conversations and share them directly through Facebook & Twitter! (also posts what app you captured it in) * Munch funny or stupid late-night messages to save or share with friends * Munch your favorite Facebook, WhatsApp, Foursquare, Twitter, or other message, social network post, status or pic (tip: assign to convenience key!) * Munch and save an image that you normally wouldn't be able to from a web site like Facebook * Munch your BlackBerry® theme and show it off to friends * Munch a map from Google Maps, BlackBerry® Maps, etc. so you can use it later for directions * Munch a recipe you got online to refer to later * Munch your calendar and send it to your friends * Munch a game level you've achieved or scoreboard you reached and post it * Munch a frame in a YouTube video * Munch the music you're listening to and show your friends PRO TIPS! * Make discreet Munches by turning the sound off! * To Munch a browser screen/web page, assign Screen Muncher to a convenience key * Assign Screen Muncher to a BlackBerry® convenience key and you can easily and quickly Munch ANY screen including your home screen, FourSquare, Twitter, WhatsApp and more! * Go here to see a video on what Screen Muncher can do! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJrFgCjBQoA * The little Screen Muncher icon at the top of your screen is a notification. To read it go to Messages - Menu - View Folder - Inbox (Screen Muncher) THIS FULL/PAID VERSION OF SCREEN MUNCHER LETS YOU: * Customize Screen Muncher color - 11 to choose from! * Customize Munch sound - 8 to choose from! * Choose image format (png & jpeg) * Remove the Screen Muncher watermark * Turn the sound off to make discreet Munches when others are around on in quiet places like classroom To use Screen Muncher: On any screen you see on your BlackBerry®, just push the BlackBerry® icon key. Choose "Munch Screen" from the menu and select "Email", "Save" or "Options" button. It's that simple!

ource : http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/11869/

Hanya untuk os6, os7 dan os7.1 (os5 error karena modul diambil dari os6)

Download ota

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Download offline (4shared)

Cara instal aplikasi offline bisa di lihat disini : Cara instal aplikasi blackberry secara offline   

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