Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

All About Mobiles

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All About Mobiles

How To Jailbreak (iOS 8.1.2) Using TaiG Simple Method

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 09:12 PM PST

Jailbreak team TaiG have released their new jailbreak tool to iOS 8.1.2 jailbreak with TaiG 1.2.It's a untethered tool.Combined with more efficiently.With this tool you can jailbreak your iDevice,iPhone,iPod and also with iPad.Also it comes with the solved some bug fixes and improvements.Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 With TaiG 1.2 available through iTunes and OTA over the air.

Supported Devices

iPhone 6,iPhone 6 Plus,iPhone 5 ,iPhone 5 ,iPhone 5c,iPhone 4s
iPad 2,iPad 3 ,iPad 4 ,iPad air ,iPad air 2 ,iPad mini ,iPad mini 3
iPod Touch 5


  1. Get Backup your Device.
  2. Turn off find my iPhone.
  3. Turn off lock screen code.
  4. Disable airplane mode.
  5. Follow this all the disable and enable things that you have to do before jailbreak.If you follow all this guidelines so you can successfully jailbreak your device as long as iPad 3.

How to Jailbreak iOS 8.1.2 Using TaiG 1.2

  1. Update and download iOS 8.1.2 on PC
  2. Connect Device to PC
  3. Extract and Run TaiG 1.2
  4. Then TaiG will detect your device,uncheck 3k assistant app install.
  5. Click green start button to Begin
  6. Wait Some moment to process.
  7. It's done.Launch cydia on iOS device 
After the jailbreak you can automatically install the cydia tweaks to your device.You can choose that what you want.

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