Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012


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Activate your Email Subscription to: Service Ac Surabaya

Posted: 22 Dec 2012 12:50 AM PST

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Posted: 21 Dec 2012 03:51 AM PST


About Deepak Chopra

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 02:10 AM PST

Physician and Holistic Health Expert Want to know the meaning of life? You may get one step closer after hearing from Chopra, who uses a combination of techniques — from mainstream medicine to ranscendental meditation — to help people live happy and balanced lives. With 26 books that have been translated into 35 different languages, he's certainly spreading the word of wellness around the globe. His latest book, "Super Brain," explores the connection between the brain and physical and ...

About Michelle Obama

Posted: 21 Dec 2012 02:03 AM PST

First Lady and Children's Health Advocate When First Lady Michelle Obama isn't doing pushups with Ellen or breaking jumping jack records, she's out raising a healthier generation of kids through her Let's Move initiative. Teaching children the importance of eating healthy and staying active seems to be sticking, too. A fun experiment conducted during Halloween this year found that kids were more likely to choose a piece of fruit over a candy bar after viewing a picture of the first lady. ...

Jasa perbaikan Indoor bocor Freon

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 08:24 PM PST

Cv.ata adalah singkatan dari Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi. Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi Adalah SERVICE SEGALA PENDINGIN WILAYAH => SURABAYA,GEDANGAN,SIDOARJO Maka dari itu mari semua pada buka di website kami terbaru dari kami pasti kami muat dalam laporan-laporan semua baik service/cuci,perbaikan,pasang baru/lama,bongkar pasang ac,pindah lokasi ac indoor maupun outdoor,jual beli ac bekas,jual ac baru,service kulkas,mesin cuci,dipenser,water heater,showcase,freezer ...

13 Point Penting LI Tolak NewsCorp

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 10:33 AM PST

1. Ada beberapa kbr yg saya terima, lngsung dari orang2 PTLI mengenai adanya NewsCorp yg ingin mengadakan kerjasama dg ISL atas permintaan PSSI 2. Beberapa hari ke depan, akan ada suatu propaganda dari orang2 PTLI yg menyebutkan bahwa NewsCorp adalah 'penjajah' yg akan ambil alih ISL 3. Padahal, menurut org2 PT LI, pihak VivaGroup masih mampu jadi investor ISL ketimbang NewsCorp yg merupakan pihak asing 4. Namun, alasan sebenarnya bukan itu. Alasan sebenarnya adalah PT LI takut ...

Serial Number PDF2Word 3.0 Pro

Posted: 20 Dec 2012 07:37 AM PST


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