Minggu, 27 September 2015

All About Mobiles

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All About Mobiles

Samsung S3770 Usb Charging Port Full Traced Jumper

Posted: 26 Sep 2015 08:22 PM PDT

Solve charging problem in Samsung S3770 by tracing all charging port points on motherboard. Change charging port before apply jumpers as shown in diagram below or trace any missing point and apply jumper only that point. Some time mobile shows charging bar but not store battery, This fault mostly created if charging port lose or having carbon inside charging port. Here in diagram all points are traced and marked with color lines, observe diagram carefully and apply jumpers like diagram below.
Samsung S3770 charging problem solution
Samsung S3770 charging problem solution with diagram help. This PCB diagram only for Samsung S3770, do not try this on other models.
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Kamis, 24 September 2015

All About Mobiles

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All About Mobiles

Lg E510 Mic Solution Full Traced Jumper

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 06:18 AM PDT

LG E510 mic not working solution by jumpering, Lg E510 mic ways jumpers.           Solution: First try to change mic with new one.if problem not solved then try to trace missing mic points with multi meter.The diagram below is solution for Lg E510 mic problem.Check all points as shown in diagram below and make jumpers like diagram.
Lg E510 Mic Solution Full Traced Jumper
Use 4.7k transistor between both positive and negative points.connect mic with those point and that 1k transistor.Now we will get our mic properly in working condition.
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Kamis, 10 September 2015

All About Mobiles

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All About Mobiles

Qmobile A4 Too Many Pattern Unlock Trick

Posted: 09 Sep 2015 06:50 AM PDT

We can unlock pattern lock on any android phones with hard reset method. Only hardware keys are used to reset phones to its factory settings. But some mobiles not show recovery mode option with this method then we can reset this phone using flasher. Here i want to share a simple software to reset Qmobile A4 if hard reset method not work for this model.

Name of software is Android Multi Tool.This is a great software that runs on your computer and works with Android devices and allows you to actually perform a variety of functions on Android devices such as:

1. Reset the your devices completely in cases that you are locked out without needing to perform any complicated button combinations.

2. Disables the Various Android locks screens without you loosing your data e.g.The Normal Password screen, Face lock, PIN, pattern lock or gesture lock and more.

3. You can also wipe the data of the device which will result in full access once more.

4. Read Hardware and software info of your device to identify it and what it's running.

5. Fix issues such as too many pattern attempts.

So long story short if you find yourself locked out of any Android device this great software can help you in regaining access to your device once more which is very cool.
Software can reset all Android phones, tablets, China android support models and so on. 

Bypass Android Pattern Lock Using Android Multi Tools

Download Android Multi tools Software and extract on your computer. Run setup following screen will be appear.
Connect your device that you are locked out of to your computer and make sure that the drivers are installed and the device is detected properly.If the device is not detected properly this could prevent the software from working, use option D in the software to find your driver. 
Chose any option via keys to do any operation.
Reset Face/PIN Lock: This will not delete your data and disable the face lock feature, works well with Android 4.X.X
Reset Face/Gesture Lock: Will also not affect your phones data, works on the pattern lock and face lock, after the software does its thing the Android device will accept any pattern to unlock. Works with Android 4.X.X and be sure to go into setting after and disable the pattern or gesture lock.
Reset GMail: This should reset your GMail login so as to allow you to login once more after you have attempted your pattern too many times and you are seeing the Too many Pattern attempt warning screen.
Reboot:Reboots the device to normal mode.
Check device on fastboot mode: Check device to see if it's in Fastboot mode.
Wipe Data/Cache on Fastboot Mode: This will also wipe your data and allow access to your device as option #5 and cache on Fastboot mode to resolve problems such as fixing your device that stuck on Android Boot logo or that's freezing and slowing down.
Exit fastboot Mode: as the name suggest used for exiting Fastboot mode.
Go to command prompt: Enters DOS prompt for manually entering commands for those who are familiar with DOS.
Software Info, Hardware info are some use full features of this software.

Samsung S7562 Mic Ways Jumper Full Traced Diagram

Posted: 09 Sep 2015 06:14 AM PDT

Samsung S7562 microphone problem may be occur due to mic points damage due to water damage or mic damage. First make sure mic is ok not damage or change mic with new one. Then trace mic points on motherboard with multi meter and make jumper any damage point. Below in diagram all points are traced make jumper like diagram.
If you want to use manual mic then use r2.2k resistance as shown in diagram.
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Rabu, 09 September 2015

All About Mobiles

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All About Mobiles

Spice All Models Latest Firmware List Free Download

Posted: 08 Sep 2015 08:29 AM PDT

Download Spice MI 347, 349, 424, 501, 600 v11 v12 and N series flash files. Files are provided by Repairmymobile and are links are working. If link not working or dead just comment below we try to upload again on server. We have all files backup on hard drive and you can get any model firmware any time. Below in table all firmware files are arranged with model and version, Just click on download link.

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Minggu, 06 September 2015

All About Mobiles

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All About Mobiles

Nokia Lumia 630 Power Button Ways Full Jumper

Posted: 05 Sep 2015 10:40 PM PDT

How to fix Nokia Lumia 630 power button if damage, Check power touch button or replace with new one. Second check power button points on mobile motherboard with multi meter and apply jumper any damage point. Some time points brake due to water damage, resold these points or make jumpers like diagram below.
Nokia lumia 630 power button ways jumper
This diagram is for nokia lumia 630 power button problem solution with diagram. Don't try this diagram for other mobiles models or related models.
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Blog Flasher-Center.com

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Blog Flasher-Center.com

Website ebsoft [kembali] terkena hack

Posted: 05 Sep 2015 05:02 PM PDT

Website ebsoft [kembali] terkena hack

Link to ebsoft

Website ebsoft [kembali] terkena hack

Posted: 04 Sep 2015 11:20 PM PDT

Mohon maaf kepada para pengunjung ebsoft yang sebelumnya sudah mendaftarkan emailnya, karena sebelumnya mendapatkan email tentang artikel baru di ebsoft.web.id, tetapi judulnya hanya “Hello World”. Hal ini karena ebsoft sedang bermasalah dengan adanya tamu tak diundang alias hacker yang sepertinya memanfaatkan… Continue Reading →

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Download 50 Ebook Gratis tentang Teknologi dan Pemrograman

Posted: 03 Nov 2014 12:33 AM PST

Meskipun saat ini sudah banyak berbagai artikel atau tutorial tentang teknologi dan pemrograman, tetapi akan lebih mudah ketika kita belajar dengan membaca secara runtut melalui sebuah buku elektronik (ebook). Salah satu tempat kita bisa mendapatkan berbagai ebook gratis (saat ini… Continue Reading →

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Belajar Kriptografi/Enkripsi lebih mudah dg program gratis CrypTool

Posted: 29 Oct 2014 03:38 PM PDT

Bagi mahasiswa atau praktisi IT yang mempelajari tentang Kriptografi (ilmu tentang enkripsi data atau tulisan, kode rahasia dan sebagainya, lihat definisi kriptografi di kbbi), biasanya tidak mudah untuk belajar dengan hanya membaca saja. Jika ada diagram atau visualisasi tentu akan lebih… Continue Reading →

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HERE maps (dari Nokia) kini tersedia untuk hampir semua Android

Posted: 23 Oct 2014 03:35 PM PDT

Nokia pernah menjadi salah satu vendor ponsel terbesar pada zamannya, meskipun kini tidak sebesar masa lalunya, tetapi beberapa produk dari Nokia masih sangat bermanfaat, salah satunya adalah HERE Maps. HERE Maps merupakan aplikasi peta (map) seperti halnya Google Maps, tetapi dikembangkan… Continue Reading →

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Belajar Pemrograman Online Gratis, Interaktif dan Menarik

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 03:54 PM PDT

Saat ini untuk menjadi seorang programmer atau pengembang aplikasi kita tidak harus kuliah atau les kesana kemari dengan biaya yang bisa menguras kantong. Tetapi dengan koneksi internet yang cukup dan semangat untuk belajar, kita bisa mengembangkan diri, bahkan menjadi seorang programmer ahli.… Continue Reading →

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Buat Recovery Bootable Windows (PE) dengan AOMEI PE Builder

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 03:57 PM PDT

AOMEI merupakan salah satu vendor pengembang software yang menyediakan berbagai program bermanfaat, bahkan sebagian gratis dan bebas kita gunakan, terutama berkaitan dengan data (hardisk), seperti partisi, recovery dan sejenisnya. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Aomei merilis 2 software gratis yang sangat… Continue Reading →

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Masalah Support Windows XP berakhir, Komputer Hang dengan MSE

Posted: 17 Apr 2014 10:02 AM PDT

Windows XP sudah berumur lebih dari 12 tahun, dan sebagaimana sudah diketahui bahwa dukungan (support) untuk Windows XP sendiri sudah berakhir sejak 8 April 2014 yang lalu. Sehingga pengguna Windows XP Original sudah tidak mendapatkan update lagi dari Microsoft, artinya… Continue Reading →

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Mematikan tab 'Online Templates' di Kingsoft Office Free 2013

Posted: 06 Apr 2014 09:11 PM PDT

Kingsoft Office Free 2013 mungkin merupakan alternatif dari Microsoft Office 2007, 2010 dan 2013 yang paling banyak digunakan. Selain gratis, tampilannya sangat mirip dengan MS Office sehingga pengguna yang terbiasa dengan MS Office biasanya akan nyaman dan tidak akan kesulitan… Continue Reading →

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Domain '.ID' saat ini sudah bisa digunakan (anything.ID)

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 02:56 PM PST

Bagi masyarakat Indonesia, saat ini penamaan domain bertambah satu lagi dengan dibukanya satu Domain Tingkat Tinggi (DTT), yaitu .ID yang dikenal dengan ‘anything.ID‘. Sebelumnya kita hanya mengenal sebelas nama Domain Tingkat Dua (DTD), yaitu : co.id, biz.id, web.id, my.id, or.id,… Continue Reading →

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[Promo] Wondershare Video Converter Pro Full Version

Posted: 22 Jan 2014 07:43 AM PST

Untuk urusan konversi video, saat ini banyak software gratis yang bisa digunakan. Tetapi kali ini saya tidak akan mengulas software gratis tersebut, karena ada promo software berbayar mungkin tidak ada salahnya kita coba, yang mempunyai fitur yang cukup menarik. Wondershare… Continue Reading →

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