Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Blog Flasher-Center.com

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Blog Flasher-Center.com

Review : 19 situs Power Backlink Andalanku.Com

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 11:35 PM PST

Percaya atau tidak percaya akan efek dari POWER BACKLINK telah dirasakan oleh situs andalanku.com dimana hanya dengan hituangan hari tepatnya 15 hari, andalanku.com telah memiliki pertumbuhan PR ALEXA dan Majestic BackLINK yang sangat menonjol .

tanggal 25 desember 2012 dengan PR ALEXA 1.744.934 dan BL  ALEXA 39 kini pada tanggal 13 Januari 2013 telah menempati PR ALEXA 649.774 dan BL  ALEXA 102. Cukup mengesankan bukan… ^_^

Rahasia dari Laju PR yang pesat tidak jauh dari 19 Power Backlink yang berhasil GIRILAYA REAL GROUPs verifikasi. berikut adalah 19 daftar POWER BACKLINK milik andalanku.com





















So . . .  kalau berniat mengenalkan suatu situs dengan memperbanyak backLINK, carilah POWER BACKLINK dan jangan terlalu banyak banyak dan banyak melakukan SPAM karena selain tidak disukai Search Engine juga menyebabkan tangan 'keriting' [Capek Tw]. ^_^

Team Review Girilaya Real Groups

Dwi Nur Mijayanto

More About Alexa.Com

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 11:30 PM PST

Alexa traffic rank is based on three months of collected historical traffic data from millions users of Alexa Toolbar and is generally established as a good quality traffic barometer.

It is an incorporated measure of page views and users (reach). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's present rank with its rank from three months ago.

Find out how your web site traffic stacks up against all your competitors! Alexa Rank Checker is one of the most accurate and freely available tools to find out how well your site ranks up against millions of other sites on the Web.

The Alexa Traffic History Graph allows you to generate a traffic history graph for any site. Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa Toolbar users.

This is a ranking method set by alexa.com that mainly audits and makes open the frequency of visits on Websites. The algorithm of Alexa traffic ranking is easy.

The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three months ago. For example, on July 1, the three-month change would show the difference between the rank based on traffic during the first quarter of the year and the rank based on traffic during the second quarter.

Alexa ranking system is based on the level of traffic each web site get from the people who visit a web site with Alexa toolbar installed.

This traffic is based many parameters. Number of Alexa users who visit a special website in one day. Page view is the number of times a single page (URL) is viewed by Alexa users. If a user visits the same URL many times on the day, all those visits will be counted as one.

The Alexa ranking is got by performing the geometric mean of reach and webpage views, averaged over three months.

How Alexa Ranking Works

You have to visit alexa.com site and download (install) Alexa toolbar. This toolbar mainly displays the rank of the visited web site.

It also sends data to the main server. Thus, every time you visit a Webpage, information is sent to the server representing your IP and the webpage you are visiting. The smaller the numerical ranking, the better. If you manage to make it in the top 100,000, it is a sign that your website gets quite serious traffic.

Troubles with the Alexa Rank

Alexa ranking is deeply tilted towards web sites which have many webmaster viewers. This is because web masters are much more likely to have Alexa toolbar installed. Alexa is a simple way to calculate web traffic. What's mainly important is that the Alexa Rank has become an essential factor in site monetization strategy.

Some Ways to Improve your Alexa Ranking

  1. Install Alexa toolbar.
  2. Place an Alexa rank widget on your web site.
  3. Value content attracts large audience and maintains their revisits.
  4. Encourage people to use the Alexa toolbar.
  5. Take part in many web master forums which let you place your website in your signature. Webmasters usually have the toolbar installed.
  6. Write content that is associated to webmasters.
  7. Use Alexa redirects on your web site URL. Try this: redirect.alexa.com/redirect?www.girilaya.com
  8. Build a webmaster tools section on your website.
  9. Make an Alexa category on your blog and use it to include news and articles about Alexa.

Alexa Ranking Tool displays a graph from Alexa comparing up to 5 sites

Service Ac Surabaya

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 03:32 PM PST

Service Ac Surabaya

Service Ac Surabaya Termurah 083830316070

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:06 PM PST

Service Ac Surabaya Termurah Service Ac Surabaya Murah Service Ac Surabaya Barat Jasa Service Ac Harga Service Ac Surabaya Service Elektronik Ac Surabaya.
Service Ac Surabaya Termurah 081217350056 Hanya Ada Di Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi

Menerima Jasa Service Cuci Jasa Perbaikan Layanan Info Ac Kulkas Service Ac Kulkas Mesin cuci Dispenser Water Heater Water Ciller Showcase Freezer Cooler Chiller Coldstorage Flourstanding Air Blast Central Cassette Cool room Split duck Celling Dan Lain-lain Wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Gresik Lamongan Pasuruan Malang Mojosari Padaan Dan Atau Sesuai Kebutuhan Castamer

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )

Service mesin cuci

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 03:08 AM PST

Service mesin cuci hanya ada di CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi .

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami.

Website kami:

 apabia anda berminat segera hubungi kami di

No telepon/fax: 0315461679

Kategori : Service Elektronik Ac di cvata,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.co

Harga Kompressor AC mobil

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:58 AM PST

Service Ac Surabaya Adalah www.serviceac-surabaya.com/

Maka dari itu mari semua pada buka di website kami www.serviceac-surabaya.com/info terbaru dari kami pasti kami muat dalam laporan-laporan semua baik service/cuci,perbaikan,pasang baru/lama,bongkar pasang ac,pindah lokasi ac indoor maupun outdoor,jual beli ac bekas,jual ac baru,service kulkas,mesin cuci,dipenser,water heater,showcase,freezer kulkas,freezer box,ciller,cooler,ac portable,air cooler,coolstorage,air blast,contact freezer,ice plan,water ciller,ice maker,ice cream dan lain-lain

Bagi pelanggan cv anugerah teknik abadi mari anda ketik alamat rumah masing-masing pasti udah ada jadwal tersendiri dari kami,bila anda lupa langsung ketik alamat rumah anda di google buka kata kunci servicac-surabaya.com ditambah dgn alamat tempat tinggal anda,pasti bisa keluar dilaporan / diwebsite kami..

Website kami:


serviceac-surabaya.com pondok maritim indah blok 0/23 enter..

bila anda masih belum jadi langganan kami segera hubungi kami di

No telepon/fax: 0315461679

Kategori : Service Elektronik Ac di cvata,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.com

Kompresor kulkas 2 pintu

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:49 AM PST


Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo
Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali   

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





Jasa service ac surabaya

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:44 AM PST

Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo
Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali   

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





Service kulkas 2 Pintu

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:40 AM PST

Service kulkas 2 pintu hanya ada di CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi Harga sangat murah dan terjangkau,selain itu kami juga memberikan garansi selama 1 bulan terhitung dari pengerjaan.

No telepon/fax: 0315461679
Kategori : Bongkar Ac Surabaya,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.com
 Invite : 293CD330

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami.

Website kami:

 apabia anda berminat segera hubungi kami di

No telepon/fax: 0315461679

Kategori : Service Elektronik Ac di cvata,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.co

service ac split Jl.Dukuh Pakis

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 08:05 PM PST

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 10 Januari 2013 melakukan split 1 unit di Jl.Dukuh pakis no.18 B Surabaya.

Dan Juga Menangani Jasa Service Perbaikan Elektronik lainnya antara lain:

4.Mesin cuci
6.Ac cassette
7.Ac flour standing
9.Water heater
10 Dll

Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bila Anda butuh jasa kami segera hubungi nomor kami di bawah:  

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang

Pengisian Freon R22 Jl.Raya wisma lidah kulon

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:59 PM PST

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 9 Januari 2013 melakukan pengisian freon R22,penggantian remote,dan pengalasan.

No telepon/fax: 0315461679
Kategori : Bongkar Ac Surabaya,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.com
 Invite : 293CD330

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami.

Website kami:

 apabia anda berminat segera hubungi kami di

No telepon/fax: 0315461679

Kategori : Service Elektronik Ac di cvata,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.co

Ganti kapasitor Perak timur 521-522

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:52 PM PST

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 9 Januari 2013. melakukan penggantian kapasitor sebanyak satu unit di jalan perak timur nomor 521-522 .

Service Ac Surabaya-ok Service Kulkas Surabaya-ok Service Mesin cuci Surabaya-ok Service Dispenser Surabaya-ok Service Water Heater Surabaya-ok Service Showcase Surabaya-ok Service Freezer Surabaya-ok Service Water Ciller Surabaya-ok Service Chiller Surabaya-ok Service Coldstorage Surabaya-ok Service Jasa Layanan Cuci Ac Service Center Segala Merk Ac Surabaya-ok

Bila anda butuh jasa kami Segera hubungi kami di nomor:

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





Service ac dan ganti sparepart R.S Siti Aminah Surabaya

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:31 PM PST

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 9 Januari 2013 melakukan cuci ac 2 unit,penggantian starflex di Jl.semolowaru.

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 7 januari 2013, imelakukan service pengisian freon 1 unit ac split di Galaxy bumi permai blok i 1 no.34 Semolowaru. dengan dibantu oleh 2 teknisi handal kami dapat menyelesaikan dengan baik dan lancar.
CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi siap melayani jasa service ac | cuci ac | pasang ac | bongkar pasang ac | untuk daerah surabaya, sidoarjo, gedangan, pasuruan, dan atau sesuai permintaan customer.
Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000 

 apabia anda berminat segera hubungi kami di

No telepon/fax: 0315461679

Kategori : Service Elektronik Ac di cvata,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.com, 


Perbaikan ac Bocor Bukit palma Blok F4 Surabaya

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 02:13 AM PST

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 9 Januari 2013 melakukan cuci ac 1 unit dan perbaikan bocor pada unit ac di Bukit palma blok F4 /12 Daerah Citraland.

Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo
Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali   

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500





cuci ac manukan tama Blok M No.8 Surabaya

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 07:13 PM PST

CV Anugerah Teknik Abadi pada tanggal 9 Januari 2013 melakukan cuci ac 1 unit di jl.Raya manukan tama Blok M n.8 Surabaya.

 Selain itu kami juga menangani perbaikan elektronik lainnya se[erti :
3.Mesin cuci 
7.Water heater
8.Freezer box

Bila anda membutuhkan kami Segerah Hubungi kami :

No telepon/fax: 0315461679
Kategori : Bongkar Ac Surabaya,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: admin@serviceac-surabaya.com
Invite : 293CD330

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami.

Website kami:

 apabia anda berminat segera hubungi kami di

No telepon/fax: 0315461679

Kategori : Service Elektronik Ac di cvata,Pusat service Ac murah,jasa bongkar pasang perbaikan jual beli ac
Email: teknik_anugerah71@yahoo.com, 

pasang ac termurah surabaya

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 06:12 PM PST

CV Service Teknik Abadi melayani jasa pemasangan ac murah untuk daerah surabaya, gedangan sidoarjo, pasuruan, dll
kami juga melayani jasa lainnya seperti :
cuci ac
pasang ac
bongkar ac
pindah ac
service ac
pengisian freon ac
service mesin cuci
service kulkas

bila anda berminat silahkan mengubungi kami di :

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500




ASANSAM Rev 2.0.8 Released

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 09:52 AM PST

Instant Content, Backlinks, Relevance & Authority on 100% Autopilot | Girilaya Real Groups

Posted: 12 Jan 2013 01:48 AM PST

Barcode Store

When Ricky PM me and telling me about his latest WP plugin, I just couldn't believe it.
This plugin is insanely genius!
Just imagine, a single plugin that can give you:

All done in just one single click of button *WAW…*

Watch the video here, and I believe, just like me, you'll be wowed too…

Obviously this plugin is great for creating new product review post, but don't worry, you can also run it in your old post to get the instant backlinks and social proof.

The other crazy thing is Ricky basically giving it away for under $10 prize tag! (y)

Remember, with this, you no longer need to pay for content, or outsource your backlinks and social signal; you'll only need this one plugin, period.

To give your post another push, I also include a bonus plugin in your download page, a social plugin called Shared To Download.

As the name suggest, your visitor need to share your post first to be able to download anything from your page.

Anyway, this plugin definitely will be added to my list of a must have plugin, and I hope it will help you and your online business too.

To your online success!

– Purwedi Kurniawan

Selengkapnya baca : http://girilaya.com/index.php/backlink/instant-content-backlinks-relevance-authority-on-100-autopilot

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