Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Blog Flasher-Center.com

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Blog Flasher-Center.com

Service Ac Surabaya

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 03:46 PM PST

Service Ac Surabaya

Service ac murah Surabaya pusat

Posted: 23 Jan 2013 02:14 AM PST

CV Anugerah teknik abadi melayani jasa service ac murah untuk wilayah surabaya, sidoarjo, gresik, pasuruan, dll.
selain melayani jasa service ac kami juga melayani jasa service lain seperti servie kulkas, service mesin cuci, service, chiller, service cooler, service air cooler, service freezer, service, showcase, dll
Service ac murah surabaya pusat

kami memberikan harga murah untuk service ac yang kami tawarkan, berikut daftar harga service ac yang kami tawarkan:
cuci ac Rp. 30.000
cuci ac inverter Rp. 40.000
penambahan freon ac standart Rp. 80.000
penambahan freon ac inverter Rp. 125.000
service bongkar ac Rp. 75.000
service pasang ac Rp. 125.000

silahkan menghubungi nomor dibawah ini, jika anda berminat memakai jasa kami:
Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919/03131288810
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500



kantor pusat:
Jl.Wonorejo III / 120 Surabaya

Service ac central

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 10:38 PM PST

CV Anugerah teknik abadi melayani jasa service ac central | service ac split | service ac inverter | service ac floor standing | service ac window | service bongkar pasang ac | service pengisian freon ac | service perbaikan ac | .Ac Cassette |Coolstorage | dll
Service ac central

Service ac central

Kami adalah jasa service resmi yang memegang beberapa ASC (Authoriz service center) Antara lain:
1.AC merk Akira

Dan pegang ASC(Authoriz service Center)Dari:
1.Showcase,PT Sanden intercool jakarta
2.Showcase,PT Primacool,Jakarta
3.Pit Elektronik/Mitra Utama
4.Rencana akan nangani Panding mesin masih proses

Jangan ragukan kami juga menangani semua merk
2.Freezer box
4.Mesin cuci

Pengalaman kami sudah memegang beberapa Instansi Antara lain
5.Lembaga Pemerintahan
6.Dan Perorangan,Perumahan,Apartemen
7.Dan lain-lainnya yang belum disebutkan dalam daftar ini

Bila anda beminat memakai jasa kami atau bekerjasama dengan kami, silahkan menghubungi kami di:
Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919/03131288810
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 08573187850

Kantor pusat:
Jl. Wonorejo III no. 120 Surabaya

Service ac jawa timur

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 07:39 PM PST

CV Anugerah teknik abadi melayani service ac jawa timur untuk daerah surabaya, gedangan sidoarjo, pasuruan, dll. Kami memberikan pelayanan service murah dan memberikan garansi untuk setiap service yang kami berikan selama 1 bulan.
Service ac jawa timur
Service ac jawa timur

Kami menawarkan harga spesial dan termurah untuk service ac yang kami berikan, berikut harga kami:
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar / Pasang Ac Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000

Bila anda berminat memakai jasa kami silahkan menghubungi kami di:
Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919/03131288810
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500


Kantor pusat:
Jl. Wonorejo 3 no.120 Surabaya


Posted: 23 Jan 2013 01:39 AM PST


Apple-a-day -Today Plus

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 11:24 PM PST

Apple-a-day (Today Plus+) Calendar-Messages-Text Messages-Weather App Slot. Please place the Weather App on the 1st app screen slot. (Weather App not included) The theme is design by Adastra Design Studio. Support for OS 6 only. 9300, 9650, 9670, 9700, 9780 and 9800 devices with BlackBerry® 6 OS. Support for OS 5. 9700, 9600, 9500, 9300, 9100, 9000, 8900, 8500, 8300 with BlackBerry® 5 OS. Custom icons. Fixed calendar preview on home screen. Fixed messages preview on home screen. Fixed text messages preview on home screen. Weather App slot. 5/7 icon home screen, depending on the device. Maximum Optimization to Prevent Memory Leaks. Never miss an appointment. Changeable app order. Changeable wallpaper, the Dock remains unchanged. Screen shots may differ as per device. Note: for OS 6 some icon may not change due to software restriction in OS 6. � No SVG coding, No leg, No Battery loss, very fast. � Maximum Optimization to Prevent Memory Leaks. � Pure business for your BlackBerry®. � 7/5 Icon home screen, depending on the device. � Changeable app order. � Changeable wallpaper, the Dock does not change.

Source : http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/78471/

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8900 - 9630 - 9700 os 5
9780 - 9700 - 9650 os 6
9800 os 6

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Cara instal aplikasi offline bisa di lihat disini : Cara instal aplikasi blackberry secara offline  

yRadio - over 50000 professional and community programmed radio stations 0.9

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 05:54 PM PST

The yRadio Radio Directory features over 50,000 professional and community programmed radio stations from around the globe. yRadio offers tremendous depth and breadth of stations with genres ranging from Rock, Alternative, Jazz, Electronica, Bollywood, Latin to Zouk across a broad set of languages including Spanish, French, German, Swahili and Portuguese. We even have public radio, talk and police scanners available in a wide variety of cities worldwide. With the app you can now take all of your favorite yRadio stations with you anywhere! • Access to over 50,000 yRadio radio stations (EDGE, 3G or WiFi) • Multitasking! Supports background audio playback so you can listen while doing other things on your BlackBerry device • Search the extensive yRadio directory • Organize a list of your favorite yRadio stations • Recents station list for easy access last played radio stations • Supports multiple broadband streams We're working hard on the next version of yRadio Radio so stay tuned for more details!

Source : https://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/20082615/

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Cara instal aplikasi offline bisa di lihat disini : Cara instal aplikasi blackberry secara offline  

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