Senin, 14 Januari 2013


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Combine Facebook Page with Twitter is Very Userfull Business Online

Posted: 14 Jan 2013 01:24 AM PST

Forum Girilaya Real Groups

Discuss : How Important Is Facebook to Your Business and How Much Business is Generated (approximately)?

I just read a really interesting post about the number of times someone posts to their FB page and so I'm curious. How much of your business is generated through FB? And do you consider it a significant marketing resource for your Etsy business (or business overall)?

I have barely, if any, hits from Facebook so I really don't utilize it that much. in the future I will probably look into setting something up but I'm trying to build my customer base as much as I can for now.

I love having my Facebook page. I post fairly often, almost everyday, and I try to post pictures of things I'm working on in various stages, articles I think might be interesting to my followers, as well as new listings. It gives me a chance to show more of myself and my work and create a dialogue with people who are interested in my work. Some people turn out to be customers, some just enjoy watching the process, and maybe are artists themselves. I think it is a great tool.

FB hasn't been a big draw to my shop, but you never know. I post new items there and a pics or information from others that I find interesting or cute on my page.

I ran a very successful ad on Facebook in November. Picked up a lot of new fans & sold a few thousand dollars of clocks. It didn't do anything for my Etsy shop, but I'm ok with that. I'm the one that posted the thread you mentioned.

Mix Ur personal page with business and have found that if I post something once a day or so as I list it or price it, most of my friends will at least take a look at what I am doing. Plus it has allowed some customers to become friends which makes things even better.

I have had mixed results from Facebook as well. Good activity to start with but recently it has been on the decline. I think it may have been due to the recent change in the way Facebook lets people view your information.

You must have a personal page (where you invite friends etc) and the biz page let's people "like" you. I have both but pretty much just interact with people on my personal page. We talk life, sports, etc and then I throw a couple of links on there showing what I am doing either online or at the store. It is a good mix of business and pleasure… it doesn't feel so much like work.

Most of my FB fans are actually just my real life friends; they make me feel better about being an artist even when I feel bad about having a sales slump. I enjoy at least being able to share new work and getting instant feedback. As for actual sales conversions – probably less than 5 %.

I think if you enjoy being on Facebook (and I have my moments where I am ready to shut it down) then it makes sense to let your friends know you have a business.  But if Facebook isn't something you like I don't think it is by any means a "required" tool for advertising that you can't survive without. Twitter is another tool that the same can be said for.

I have picked up a good # of fans on FB and I enjoy posting there about once a week. I think it helps my business a bit and I know it has generated some sales, but mostly I think of it as fun. I limit my posts to new products or changes at my studio. I tried a cheap ad there last fall and I did get some new fans, but I don't think it was worth it for me.

Source : Girilaya Real Groups

Service Ac Surabaya

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 03:38 PM PST

Service Ac Surabaya

Service Ac Surabaya Murah 0315461679

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 07:46 AM PST

Service Ac Surabaya Murah | Repair Ac Surabaya Murah | Perbaikan Ac Surabaya Murah | Cuci Ac Surabaya Murah Pasang Ac Surabaya Murah | Bongkar Pasang Ac Surabaya Murah | Bongkar Ac Surabaya Murah | Ac Surabaya Murah Wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Hanya Ada Di Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi

Menerima Jasa Service Cuci Jasa Perbaikan Layanan Info Ac Kulkas Service Ac Kulkas Mesin cuci Dispenser Water Heater Water Ciller Showcase Freezer Cooler Chiller Coldstorage Flourstanding Air Blast Central Cassette Cool room Split duck Celling Dan Lain-lain Wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Gresik Lamongan Pasuruan Malang Mojosari Padaan Dan Atau Sesuai Kebutuhan Castamer

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500




Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang ) 

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami

Service Ac | Surabaya Ac Surabaya | Cuci Ac | Pasang Ac 0315461679

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 06:27 AM PST

Service Ac | Service Ac Surabaya | Cuci Ac | Pasang Ac 0315461679 Wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Hanya Ada Di Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi

Menerima Jasa Service Cuci Jasa Perbaikan Layanan Info Ac Kulkas Service Ac Kulkas Mesin cuci Dispenser Water Heater Water Ciller Showcase Freezer Cooler Chiller Coldstorage Flourstanding Air Blast Central Cassette Cool room Split duck Celling Dan Lain-lain Wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Gresik Lamongan Pasuruan Malang Mojosari Padaan Dan Atau Sesuai Kebutuhan Castamer

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500




Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang ) 

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali/bila kembali masih tanggungan kami selama barang anda perawatan selamanya dari kami

Service Ac 031 5461679,31288810,083830316070

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 04:04 AM PST

Cara Service Ac Service Ac murah Perbaikan Ac  murah Harga Service Ac Service Ac Tangerang Service Ac Mobil Cara Service Ac Split Service Ac Bintaro Service Ac Tangerang.

Service Ac 0315461679,31288810,083830316070 Hanya Ada Di Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi
Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi Adalah Jasa Service Cuci Pusat Layanan Perbaikan Repair Overhoul | Service Ac Kulkas Mesin cuci Dispenser Water Heater Water Ciller Showcase Freezer Cooler Chiller Coldstorage Flourstanding Air Blast Central Cassette Cool room Split duck Celling Dan Lain-lain Wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Gresik Lamongan Pasuruan Malang Mojosari Padaan Dan Atau Sesuai Kebutuhan Castamer

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500




Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000

Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )

> Jasa service kami Bergaransi
> Harga terjangkau
> On time 24 Jam Nonstop
> Dijamin pekerjaan tidak akan kembali-kembali  


Posted: 13 Jan 2013 03:54 AM PST

Serviceacsurabaya Serviceacsurabayatermurah Serviceacsurabayabarat Serviceacsurabayamurah Serviceacmurah Jasaserviceac Hargaserviceac Serviceelektronik
Service Ac Surabaya Termurah Service Ac Surabaya Murah Service Ac Surabaya Barat Jasa Service Ac Harga Service Ac Service Elektronik Ac Land

Serviceacsurabaya2013 Hanya Ada Di Cv.Anugerah Teknik Abadi

Menerima Jasa Service Cuci Jasa Perbaikan Layanan Info Ac Kulkas Service Ac Kulkas Mesin cuci Dispenser Water Heater Water Ciller Showcase Freezer Cooler Chiller Coldstorage Flourstanding Air Blast Central Cassette Cool room Split duck Celling Dan Lain-lain Wilayah Surabaya Gedangan Sidoarjo Gresik Lamongan Pasuruan Malang Mojosari Padaan Dan Atau Sesuai Kebutuhan Castamer

Bila Butuh Jasa Kami Segerah Hubungi Nomor Kami Di Bawah

Telp/Fax 0315461679
Fleksi 031-70810312/03177249919
Simpati 081230032651/081217350056
XL 087855078279
Exis 083830316070
M3 085731878500




Harga kami :
Service Cuci ac standart Rp 30.000
Service Cuci ac inverter Rp 40.000
Penambahan Freon ac standart Rp 80.000
Penambahan Freon ac inverter Rp 100.000
Isi Freon inverter Rp 250.000
Bongkar/pasang Rp 125.000
Pasang ac Inverter Rp 200.000
Bongkar Ac Inverter Rp 125.000  

Cab :  K.Cabang : Perum Dharma Alam blok L/no o7,Jember
          K.Cabang  : Menganti-Gresik
          K. Cabang : Sidoarjo

Kantor Pusat : Jl Wonorejo 3 / 120,Surabaya ( Daerah Pasar kembang )

Germans Won’t See Music on YouTube and GEMA Any Time

Posted: 13 Jan 2013 02:53 AM PST

Forum Girilaya Real Groups

Germans have the misfortune of living in a country where YouTube (basically) has no music. Maybe that's actually a good thing, on some level, making it possible for everything else on YouTube to thrive.

In any case, there's no chance of that changing anytime soon as talks between Google, which owns YouTube, and GEMA, the German music licensing group, broke down, once again.

Gema, like many other music licensing groups, is supposed to have the artists' interests in mind and get paid whenever the music it handles is played somewhere.
But like most of these groups, the artists are the ones getting hurt since they don't make any money and have their songs blocked.

But many of these groups aren't interested in the artists, they're interested in making money, money that more often than not doesn't even end up back with the artists, and to do that they need to squeeze everything they can.

The group asked YouTube to pay for the music video it hosts at a rate of 12 cents per stream. That's obviously unsustainable, on the verge of being ridiculous.
As a result, YouTube blocks all music videos in Germany, the ones covered by Gema at least. This has been going on for years with no end in sight.

While the two sides have been negotiating, talks are now dead. Gema is now considering other ways of getting YouTube to pay, particularly for the infringing videos uploaded by its users.
Gema also doesn't like the message German users see when trying to watch a music video claiming that it's misleading. The message says that the video in question is unavailable due to Gema's actions.

"YouTube believes that rights holders and artists should benefit from their work. We have dozens of collection society deals in place across more than 45 countries because we provide an important source of income for musicians and a platform where new artists can be discovered and promoted," Google responded to the situation.

"Music labels are generating hundreds of millions of dollars on YouTube every year. Artists, composers, authors, publishers, and record labels in Germany are missing this opportunity as a result of GEMA's decisions," it added.

"We remain committed to finding a solution with GEMA compatible with YouTube's business model so that we can again provide a source of revenue for musicians and a vibrant platform for music lovers in Germany," it said.

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